1EdTech Logo 1EdTech Learning Resource Meta-Data Information Model
Version 1.2.1 Final Specification
Copyright © 2001 1EdTech Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The 1EdTech Logo is a trademark of 1EdTech Consortium, Inc.
Document Name: 1EdTech Learning Resource Meta-Data Information Model
Revision: 28 September 2001


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Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. IEEE Document
     2.1 1EdTech Meta-Data Information Model
     2.2 1EdTech Modifications
     2.3 Extensions
           2.3.1 Extensions Using DTDs
           2.3.2 Extensions Using XML Schema Definitions

Appendix A - List of Contributors

About This Document

Revision History


1. Introduction

This document describes the names, definitions, organization, and constraints of the 1EdTech Meta-Data elements. This work is composed of two parts, a working document from an IEEE standards committee, of which 1EdTech member organizations have been key contributors, and a number of modifications that have been approved by the 1EdTech Technical Board.

The IEEE document is the Working Draft 6.1 Learning Object Meta-Data (LOM) Scheme working document of the IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee's (LTSC) LOM Working Group. Many organizations around the world have collaborated on this document, including substantial involvement by 1EdTech member organizations either directly or through 1EdTech Briefing and Feedback meetings. The document lists the meta-data elements and how they are organized hierarchically. Each element is described with 5 pieces of information:

Name: How the meta-data element should be spelled.
Explanation: The definition of the element.
Multiplicity: How many elements are allowed and whether their order is significant.
Domain: What the element's vocabulary is limited to and other information.
Type: Whether the element's value is textual, numerical or a date; and any constraints on its size and format.
Extensible: Whether the element is extensible or not.
Note: Why the element was included, guidelines for its use, etc.
Example: Sample use of element, where appropriate.

The second part of this document contains a number of modifications approved unanimously by the 1EdTech Technical Board. These changes were recommended based on implementation testing and detailed document reviews. The 1EdTech Technical Board representatives include many individuals who have actively participated in the development of the IEEE document. Those individuals judged the likelihood of these changes being incorporated into the IEEE document as high.

Any future 1EdTech certification/conformance testing will be based on the combination of these two resources.

2. IEEE Document

LOM Working Draft 6.1 posted 13 February 2001 (included below for reference). http://ltsc.ieee.org/doc/wg12/

1EdTech additions and modifications are noted in the Modifications section following the IEEE LTSC LOM Working Draft 6.1 tables.

2.1 1EdTech Meta-Data Information Model

The following table is based on the IEEE LTSC LOM Working Draft 6.1: Base Scheme (2001-02-13). Names have been changed to be all lower case.

Nr Name Explanation Multiplicity Domain Type Extensible Note Example
1 general Groups information describing learning object as a whole. single instance - - Yes - -
1.1 identifier Globally unique label for learning object. single value - String No 1. This element can be transparent to the meta-data creator. It can be created by the meta-data management system.
2. This element corresponds with the Dublin Core element DC.Identifier.
3. You can use your own ID method or the 1EdTech best practice.
1.2 title Learning object's name. single value - LangStringType (1000 char) No 1. The title can be an already existing one or it may be created by the indexer ad hoc.
2. Corresponds with Dublin Core element DC.Title.
1.3 catalogentry Designation given to resource. unordered list; smallest permitted max: 10 items - - Yes One of the catalog entries can be generated automatically by the tool. -
1.3.1 catalog Source of following string value. single value - String (1000 char) No Generally the name of the catalog. ISBN, ARIADNE
1.3.2 entry Actual value. single value - LangStringType (1000 char) No Generally the number in the catalog named in Catalog (1.3.1). 2-7342-0318, LEAO875
1.4 language Learning object's language (can be Language without Country subcode; implies intended language of target audience). "None" is also acceptable. unordered list, smallest permitted maximum: 10 items; ISO 639-ISO 3166, see also xml:lang (RFC1766) LanguageID = Langcode('-'Subcode)*, with Langcode a two-letter language code as defined by ISO639 and Subcode a country code from ISO3166. String (100 char) No 1. The approach adopted is compatible with that of the xml:lang attribute and is defined by RFC1766.
2. ISO639 deals with 'ancient' languages, like Greek and Latin.
3. Tool should provide useful default.
4. It is customary to give the language code in lower case and the country code (if any) in upper case. However, the values are case insensitive.
5. This element corresponds with the Dublin Core element DC.Language.
"en", "en-GB", "de", "fr-CA", "it"
1.5 description Describes learning object's content. unordered list, smallest permitted maximum: 10 items - LangStringType (2000 char) No This element corresponds to the Dublin Core element DC.Description. -
1.6 keyword Contains keyword description of the resource. unordered list, smallest permitted maximum: 10 items - LangStringType (1000 char) No It is strongly recommended not to use this element for characteristics that can be described by other elements. -
1.7 coverage Temporal / spatial characteristics of content (e.g., historical context). unordered list, smallest permitted maximum: 10 items - LangStringType (1000 char) No This element corresponds with the Dublin Core element DC.Coverage. -
1.8 structure Underlying organizational structure of the resource. single value vocabulary: {Collection, Mixed, Linear, Hierarchical, Networked, Branched, Parceled, Atomic} Vocabulary No - -
1.9 aggregationlevel The functional size of the resource. single value restricted range: 1 - 4 Vocabulary No Level 1 means smallest level of aggregation, e.g. raw media data or fragments.
Level 2 refers to a collection of atoms, e.g. an HTML document with some embedded pictures or a lesson.
Level 3 indicates a collection of level 1 resources, e.g. a 'web' of HTML documents, with an index page that links the pages together or a unit.
Finally, level 4 refers to the largest level of granularity, e.g. a course.
2 lifecycle History and current state of resource. single instance - - Yes - -
2.1 version The edition of the learning object. single value - LangStringType (50 char) No - 3.0, 1.2.alpha, voorlopige versie
2.2 status Learning object's editorial condition. single value vocabulary: {Draft, Final, Revised, Unavailable} Vocabulary No - -
2.3 contribute Persons or organizations contributing to the resource (includes creation, edits, and publication). unordered list; smallest permitted maximum items: 30 - - Yes - -
2.3.1 role Kind of contribution. single value vocabulary: {Author, Publisher, Unknown, Initiator, Terminator, Validator, Editor, Graphical Designer, Technical Implementer, Content Provider, Technical Validator, Educational Validator, Script Writer, Instructional Designer} Vocabulary No It is recommended that exactly one instance of Author exists. -
2.3.2 entity Entity or entities involved, most relevant first. ordered list; smallest permitted maximum items: 40; vCard vCard <http://www.imc.org/pdi/> String (1000 chars) No 1. If Role (2.3.1) is Author, then the entity is typically a person and this element corresponds with the Dublin Core element DC.Creator.
2. If Role equals Publisher, then the entity is typically an organization and this element corresponds with the Dublin Core element DC.Publisher.
3. If Role is not equal to Author or Publisher, then this element corresponds with the Dublin Core element DC.Contributor.
4. If the entity is an organization, then it is typically a university department, company, agency, institute, etc. under whose responsibility the contribution was made.
2.3.3 date Date of contribution. single value - DateType No - -
3 metametadata Features of the description rather than the resource. single instance - - Yes - -
3.1 identifier A unique label for the meta-data. single value - String No This element can be transparent to the meta-data creator. It can be created by the meta-data management system. You can use your own ID method or the 1EdTech best practice -
3.2 catalogentry Designation given to the meta-data instance. unordered list, smallest permitted maximum: 10 items - - Yes One of the catalog entries can be generated automatically by the tool. -
3.2.1 catalog Source of following string value. single value - String (1000 char) No Generally system generated. Ariadne
3.2.2 entry Actual string value. single value - LangStringType (1000 char) No Generally system generated. KUL532
3.3 contribute Persons or organizations contributing to the meta-data. ordered list, smallest permitted maximum: 10 items - - Yes - -
3.3.1 role Kind of contribution. single value vocabulary: {Creator, Validator} Vocabulary No It is recommended that exactly one instance of creator exists. -
3.3.2 entity Entity or entities involved, most relevant first. ordered list as vCard; smallest permitted maximum: 10 items vCard <http://www.imc.org/pdi/> String (1000 char) No - -
3.3.3 date Date of contribution. single value - DateType No - -
3.4 metadatascheme Names the structure of the meta-data (this includes version). unordered list; smallest permitted maximum: 10 items - String (30 char) No 1. Generally user selectable or system generated.
2. If multiple values are provided, then the meta-data instance conforms to multiple meta-data schemes.
3.5 language Language of the meta-data instance. This is the default language for all LangString values. single value See general.language String (100 char) No "none" is an acceptable value. -
4 technical Technical features of the learning object. single instance - - Yes - -
4.1 format Technical data type of the resource. unordered list, smallest permitted maximum: 40 items restricted: MIME type or 'non-digital' String (500 char) No 1. Can be used to identify the software needed to access the resource.
2. This element corresponds with the Dublin Core element DC.Format.
video/ mpeg, application/ x-toolbook, text/ html
4.2 size The size of the digital resource in bytes. Only the digits '0' - '9' should be used; the unit is bytes, not MBytes, GB, etc. single value - String (30 char) No This refers to the actual size of the resource, and not to the size of a compressed version of the resource. -
4.3 location A location or a method that resolves to a location of the resource. Preferable Location first. ordered list; smallest permitted maximum: 10 items - String (1000 char) No - http://host/ id
4.4 requirement Needs in order to access the resource. If there are multiple requirements, then the logical connector is AND. multiple unordered instances; smallest permitted maximum: 40 items - - Yes - -
4.4.1 type Type of requirement. single value vocabulary: {Operating System, Browser} Vocabulary No - -
4.4.2 name Name of the required item. single value if Type='Operating System', then vocabulary: {PC-DOS, MS- Windows, MacOS, Unix, Multi-OS, Other, None}
if Type='Browser' then vocabulary: {Any, Netscape Communicator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera}
if other type, then open vocabulary
Vocabulary No May be derived from Format (4.1) automatically, e.g., HTML implies "Multi-OS" -
4.4.3 minimumversion Lowest version of the required item. single value - String (30 char) No - -
4.4.4 maximumversion Highest version of the required item. single value - String (30 char) No - -
4.5 installationremarks Description on how to install the resource. single value - LangStringType (1000 char) No - -
4.6 otherplatformrequirements Information about other software and hardware requirements. single value - LangStringType (1000 char) No - sound card ..., runtime ...
4.7 duration Time a continuous learning object takes when played at intended speed, in seconds. single value ISO8601 DateType No This is especially useful for sounds, movies, or animations. 01:30:00, 00:01:45
5 educational Educational or pedagogic features of the learning object. single instance - - Yes - -
5.1 interactivitytype The type of interactivity supported by the learning object. single value vocabulary: {Active, Expositive, Mixed, Undefined} Vocabulary No In an expositive resource, the information flows mainly from the resource to the learner. Expositive documents are typically used for learning- by- reading.
In an active learning object, information also flows from the learner to the resource. Active documents are typically used for learning- by- doing.
note: Activating links to navigate in hypertext documents is not considered as an information flow. Thus, hypertext documents are expositive.
Expositive documents include essays, video clips, all kinds of graphical material and hypertext documents. Active documents include simulations, questionnaires and exercises.
5.2 learningresourcetype Specific kind of resource, most dominant kind first. ordered list; smallest permitted maximum: 10 items vocabulary: {Exercise, Simulation, Questionnaire, Diagram, Figure, Graph, Index, Slide, Table, Narrative Text, Exam, Experiment, ProblemStatement, SelfAssesment} Vocabulary No This element corresponds with the Dublin Core element 'Resource Type'. The vocabulary is adapted for the specific purpose of learning objects. -
5.3 interactivitylevel Level of interactivity between an end user and the learning object. - vocabulary: {very low, low, medium, high, very high} Vocabulary No - -
5.4 semanticdensity Subjective measure of the learning object's usefulness as compared to its size or duration. - vocabulary: {very low, low, medium, high, very high} Vocabulary No - -
5.5 intendedenduserrole Normal user of the learning object, most dominant first. ordered list, smallest permitted maximum:10 items vocabulary: {Teacher, Author, Learner, Manager} Vocabulary No A learner works with a resource in order to learn something.
An author creates or publishes a resource.
A manager manages the delivery of the resource, e.g., a university or college. The document for a manager is typically a curriculum.
5.6 context The typical learning environment where use of learning object is intended to take place. unordered list; smallest permitted maximum: 4 items; vocabulary: {Primary Education, Secondary Education, Higher Education, University First Cycle, University Second Cycle, University Postgrade, Technical School First Cycle, Technical School Second Cycle, Professional Formation, Continuous Formation, Vocational Training} Vocabulary No - -
5.7 typicalagerange Age of the typical intended user. unordered list; smallest permitted maximum: 5 items - LangStringType (1000 chars) No - suitable for children over 7, adults only
5.8 difficulty How hard it is to work through the learning object for the typical target audience. single value vocabulary: {very easy, easy, medium, difficult, very difficult} Vocabulary No - -
5.9 typicallearningtime Approximate or typical time it takes to work with the resource. single value ISO8601 DateType No - 01:30:00, 00:01:45
5.10 description Comments on how the learning object is to be used. single value - LangStringType (1000 char) No - A teacher's guidelines.
5.11 language User's natural language. smallest permitted maximum: 10 items - String (100 char) No See general.language. -
6 rights Conditions of use of the resource. single instance - - Yes Intent is to reuse results of ongoing work in the Intellectual Property Right and e-commerce communities. This category currently provides the absolute minimum level of detail only. -
6.1 cost Whether use of the resource requires payment. single value vocabulary: {yes, no} Vocabulary No - -
6.2 copyrightandotherrestrictions Whether copyright or other restrictions apply. single instance vocabulary: {yes, no} Vocabulary No - -
6.3 description Comments on the conditions of use of the resource. single value - LangStringType (1000 char) No - -
7 relation Features of the resource in relationship to other learning objects. unordered list; smallest permitted maximum: 100 items - - Yes - -
7.1 kind Nature of the relationship between the resource being described and the one identified by Resource (7.2). single value vocabulary list from Dublin Core: {IsPartOf, HasPart, IsVersionOf, HasVersion, IsFormatOf, HasFormat, References, IsReferencedBy, IsBasedOn, IsBasisFor, Requires, IsRequiredBy} Vocabulary No This element corresponds with the Dublin Core element DC.Relation. -
7.2 resource Resource the relationship holds for. single instance - - Yes - -
7.2.1 identifier Unique Identifier of the other resource. single value - String No - -
7.2.2 description Description of the other resource. single value - LangStringType (1000 char) No - -
7.2.3 catalogentry Description of the other resource. unordered list; smallest permitted maximum: 10 items - - Yes See general.catalogentry. - catalog Source of following string value. single value - String (1000 char) No Generally the name of the catalog. ISBN, ARIADNE entry Actual value. single value - LangStringType (1000 char) No Generally the number in the catalog named in Catalog ( 2-7342-0318, LEAO875
8 annotation Comments on the educational use of the learning object. unordered list; smallest permitted maximum: 30 items - - Yes - -
8.1 person Annotator. single value vCard <http://www.imc.org/pdi/> String (1000 char) No - -
8.2 date Date that the annotation was created. single value - DateType No - -
8.3 description The content of the annotation. single value - LangStringType (1000 char) No - -
9 classification Description of a characteristic of the resource by entries in classifications. unordered list; smallest permitted maximum: 40 items - - Yes 1. End users can refer to their preferred classifications.
2. If Purpose (9.1) equals Discipline, then this category corresponds with the Dublin Core element DC.Subject.
9.1 purpose Characteristics of the resource described by this classification entry. single value vocabulary: {Discipline, Idea, Prerequisite, Educational Objective, Accessibility Restrictions, Educational Level, Skill Level, Security Level} Vocabulary No - -
9.2 taxonpath A taxonomic path in a specific classification. unordered instance; smallest permitted maximum: 15 items - - No There may be different paths, in the same or different classifications, that describe the same characteristic. -
9.2.1 source A specific classification. single value - LangStringType (1000 char) No Any recognized "official" taxonomy, any user-defined taxonomy. A tool may provide the top-level entries of a well-established classification (LOC, UDC, DDC, etc.). ACM, MESH, ARIADNE
9.2.2 taxon An entry in a classification. An ordered list of Taxons creates a taxonomic path, i.e. "taxonomic stairway": this is a path from a more general to more specific entry in a classification. ordered list; smallest permitted maximum: 15 items - - No A TaxonPath can have a depth from 1 to 9. Normal values are between 2 and 4. Physics/ Acoustics/ Instruments/ Stethoscope
Medicine/ Diagnostics/ Instruments/ Stethoscope id Taxon's identifier in taxonomic system single value - String (100 char) No Repertoire of ISO/IEC 10646-1 - entry Taxon's name or label (other than identifier) single value - LangStringType (500 char) No - -
9.3 description A textual description of learning object relative to its stated purpose. single value - LangStringType (2000 char) No - -
9.4 keyword Contains keyword description of learning objective relative to its stated purpose. ordered list smallest permitted maximum: 40 items - LangStringType (1000 char) No - -

Nr Name Explanation Multiplicity Domain Type Extensible Note Example
1 langstring String in one or more human languages. unordered list; smallest permitted maximum: 10 items - - No - -
1.1 language Human language in which the string is expressed. single value LanguageID = Langcode('-'Subcode)*, with Langcode a two-letter language code as defined by ISO639 and Subcode a country code from ISO3166. String (100 char) No 1. The approach adopted is compatible with that of the xml:lang attribute and is defined by RFC1766.
2. ISO639 deals with 'ancient' languages, like Greek and Latin.
3. Tool should provide useful default.
4. It is customary to give the language code in lower case and the country code (if any) in upper case. However, the values are case insensitive.
5. If no Language is specified, then LangString. String should be interpreted as a string in MetaMetaData. Language.
"en", "en-GB", "de", "fr-CA", "it"
1.2 string Actual string value. single value - String No - -

Nr Name Explanation Multiplicity Domain Type Extensible Note Example
1 datetime Date expressed as per ISO8601 standard. single value ISO8601 String (200 char) No Corresponds with the Dublin Core element DC.Date. 1999-06-11
2 description Description of the date. single value - LangString (1000 char) No - circa 1300 BC, Fall 1999

Nr Name Explanation Multiplicity Domain Type Extensible Note Example
1 source Source of vocabulary item(s). single value - LangString (1000 char) No - -
2 value Actual descriptor. single value - LangString (1000 char) No If source is "LOMv1.0" then value is from base description. -

2.2 1EdTech Modifications

The changes, with some rationale, are provided below with the specific changes to the IEEE document in wording shown in italics text:

Nr Name Explanation Multiplicity Type Rationale
1.6 keyword Contains keyword description of the resource. unordered list (10 items) LangStringType (1000 char) This element was renamed to <keyword> to more closely represent a semantically equivalent container for translations of the same keyword or phrases in various languages.
4.4 requirement Needs in order to access the resource multiple unordered instances (10 items) - This element was renamed to <requirement> to more closely represent a semantically equivalent container for different translations of the same requirement.
9.4 keyword Contains keyword description of the resource. unordered list (10 items) LangStringType (1000 char) This element was renamed to <keyword> to more closely represent a semantically equivalent container for translations of the same keyword or phrases in various languages.

2.3 Extensions

The IEEE LOM Draft Standard may not adequately capture all meta-data needed to describe learning objects and their use. The LOM allows extensions for proprietary meta-data elements and structures. The LOM states: "Extension data elements shall not replace data elements in the LOM structure. NOTE--All data elements in the metadata instance should describe characteristics as defined by this standard. (For example, the user shall not abuse the title data element to describe the fonts used in the document.) Abusing data elements would compromise semantic interoperability."

The decision to implement extensions to the LOM should not be taken lightly, because using extensions risks breaking interoperability. The 1EdTech Learning Resource Meta-Data XML Binding Specification defines two ways for treating all user-defined, proprietary extensions in a uniform manner. Consensus on the specific use of extensions is highly desirable. Any uses or proposed uses of extensions should be brought to the attention of the 1EdTech Meta-Data Working Group (md-question@imsglobal.org).

2.3.1 Extensions Using DTDs

1EdTech defines the element called <extension> for use when building extensions using a DTD control file. This element is optional for every branch of the meta-data tree structure. See the 1EdTech Meta-Data DTD http://www.imsglobal.org/xml/imsmd_rootv1p2.dtd.

Using extensions with more than one DTD control file is problematic. 1EdTech recommends using XML Schema Definition language and its namespacing capability when using extensions.

2.3.2 Extensions Using XML Schema Definitions

1EdTech supports extensible meta-data using the XML Schema Definition language (XSD, XDR) through the use of other LOM elements as an extension or as new elements (defined in a specific namespace). Namespace elements typically contain a meaningful prefix, such as "adl" (to represent the Advanced Distributed Learning initiative) to uniquely identify its extensions. 1EdTech recommends the use of the W3C Recommendation for Namespaces (http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xml-names-19990114). See the 1EdTech Meta-Data Schema Definition files at http://www.imsglobal.org/metadata.

Appendix A - List of Contributors

The following individuals contributed to the development of this specification:

Martin Koning Bastiaan Center for Distributed Learning
Boyd Nielsen NETg
Mikael Nilsson CID, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Claude Ostyn Click2Learn, Inc.
Dan Rehak Carnegie Mellon University
Schawn Thropp ADL

About This Document

Title 1EdTech Learning Resource Meta-Data Information Model
Editors Mark McKell and Schawn Thropp
Version 1.2.1
Version Date September 2001
Status Final Specification
Summary This document provides updated information regarding 1EdTech Learning Resource Meta-Data Information Model.
Revision Information 28 September 2001
Purpose Defines the 1EdTech Learning Resource Meta-Data Information Model
Document Location http://www.imsglobal.org/metadata/imsmdv1p2p1/imsmd_infov1p2p1.html

Revision History

Version No. Release Date Comments
Final 1.0 20 August 1999 The version 1.0 of the 1EdTech Learning Resource Meta-Data Information Model released.
Final 1.1 5 May 2000 IEEE LTSC LOM Version 3.5 Tables included. All element names changed to lower case only.
Public Draft 1.2 20 April 2001 a) Updated IEEE LTSC LOM elements tables to latest version of LOM Working Draft 6.1.
b) Changed root element from <record> to <lom>.
c) Assigned "x-none" value to the xml:lang attribute when used within <source> and <value>.
Final 1.2 17 May 2001 a) Deprecated the <vocabulary> element.
b) Renamed <keywords> and <requirements> to <keyword> and <requirement>, respectively.
c) Added "ANY" function to allow extensibility on terminal node elements or those that don't already allow sufficient extensibility through the LOM data type.
Final 1.2.1 28 September 2001 a) Corrected minor discrepancies between element descriptions in this document and the 1EdTech Meta-Data XML Binding.


Contributors 1

     aggregationlevel 1
     annotation 1
     catalog 1, 2, 3
     catalogentry 1, 2, 3
     classification 1
     context 1
     contribute 1, 2
     copyrightandotherrestrictions 1
     cost 1
     coverage 1
     date 1, 2, 3
     datetime 1
     description 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
     difficulty 1
     duration 1
     educational 1
     entity 1, 2
     entry 1, 2, 3, 4
     format 1
     general 1
     id 1
     identifier 1, 2, 3
     installationremarks 1
     intendedenduserrole 1
     interactivitylevel 1
     interactivitytype 1
     keyword 1, 2, 3
     kind 1
     langstring 1
     language 1, 2, 3, 4
     lifecycle 1
     location 1
     maximumversion 1
     metadatascheme 1
     metametadata 1
     minimumversion 1
     name 1
     otherplatformrequirements 1
     person 1
     purpose 1
     relation 1
     requirement 1
     requirements 1
     resource 1
     rights 1
     role 1, 2
     semanticdensity 1
     size 1
     source 1, 2
     status 1
     string 1
     structure 1
     taxon 1
     taxonpath 1
     technical 1
     title 1
     type 1
     typicalagerange 1
     typicallearningtime 1
     value 1
     version 1



Namespaces 1





1EdTech Consortium, Inc. ("1EdTech") is publishing the information contained in this 1EdTech Learning Resource Meta-Data Information Model ("Specification") for purposes of scientific, experimental, and scholarly collaboration only.

1EdTech makes no warranty or representation regarding the accuracy or completeness of the Specification.
This material is provided on an "As Is" and "As Available" basis.

The Specification is at all times subject to change and revision without notice.

It is your sole responsibility to evaluate the usefulness, accuracy, and completeness of the Specification as it relates to you.

1EdTech would appreciate receiving your comments and suggestions.

Please contact 1EdTech through our website at http://www.imsglobal.org

Please refer to Document Name:
1EdTech Learning Resource Meta-Data Information Model Revision: 28 September 2001