
Differences between QTI 2.0 and QTI 2.1

Differences between QTI 2.0 and QTI 2.1

Is there a document summarizing the differences between QTI 2.0 and 2.1?

Differences between QTI 2.0 and QTI 2.1


What are the differences between de QTI 2.0 and 2.1 specification? Is there a document or website that lists the (key) differences?

Differences between QTI 2.0 and QTI 2.1


I don't think there's a document that outlines the differences between 2.0 and 2.1, but it's everything beyond the item definition. That means results reporting, tests & sections and packaging. In other words, it's best to assume that everything apart from sections 4 to 10 in the information model ( and corresponding bindings is new to 2.1.

Be aware, btw, that an updated documentation set for 2.1 is imminent.

All the best,
