
aQTI v3.0 Charter Approved

aQTI v3.0 Charter Approved

The 1EdTech Technical Advisory Board has approved the aQTI (Accessible Question and Test Interoperability) v3.0 Charter document. The Charter document describes the scope and timeline of the next iteration of the QTI specification that sees the conflation of the QTI specification with the APIP (Accessible Portable Item Protocol) specification. Another major objective for aQTI v3 is to address more precise rendering of items and a move to align more closely with HTML5 and other W3C web accessibility standards.

The aQTI Workgroup has begun regular meetings to start on the v3 specification and has split the work activities into several subgroups that will work in concert on its development. The workgroup has strong participation from the many assessment and accessibility organizations and communities and is co-chaired by:

  • ETS - Tom Hoffmann / Gary Driscoll
  • NWEA - Justin Marks / Rob Howard
  • OAT - Jérôme Bogaerts / Marc Oswald
  • Pearson - Wayne Ostler / Michelle Richard

The aQTI Charter document is available in the member forum here:

If you would like to get involved with the aQTI work, we encourage your participation. Feel free to post to this forum or get in touch with 1EdTech for more information.