
Bug in the candidate Rostering Service REST/JSON Binding v1.2

Bug in the candidate Rostering Service REST/JSON Binding v1.2

Posting here since this forum is listed as the only contact point for contributions, comments and questions.

The Rostering Service REST/JSON Binding v1.2 document version July 1st 2021 lists the "fields" Query Parameter as a primitive string. In section 3.4 (Field Selection) it says "The value of fields is a comma delimited list of the fields to return"

However, the OpenAPI 3.0 (yaml version) describes the "fields" parameter as an array:

- name: fields
in: query
description: |
To identify the range of fields that should be supplied in the response message.
required: false
type: array
type: string
allowEmptyValue: false
style: form

This will break my OneRoster service if the LMS sends a plain string whereas the generated code on my end expects a List.

Matthew Richards's picture

Hi Peter,

Hi Peter,


We discussed this in the OneRoster work group meeting this morning and agree that this is a bug in the OpenAPI file.  A bug is being logged and the IMS folks will make this fix.  Thanks for letting us know!

