
Digital Credentials Product Steering Committee (by Invitation Only)

The Digital Credentials Product Steering Committee (PSC) is an invite-only committee comprising Contributing Member supplier organizattions who are currently certified in Open Badges or Comprehensive Learner Record, and Higher Ed and K-12 Contributing Members who require certification as part of their procurement RFP process.

If you would like to learn more, please contact Rob Coyle.

Meeting Times

  • The PSC current meetings in the 2nd quarter of each month, on the first Tuesday at 10:00am ET. 
  • Additional PSC meetings are typically help at all 1EdTech in-person events (i.e. Digital Credentails Summit and Learning Impact)


Agendas, Notes, and Recordings: Posted in the Forum after each meeting.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 943 3057 3346
Passcode: 153489


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Meeting ID: 943 3057 3346

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5 Nov 2024 - 10:00am
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