
We may have all been drinking the same cool-aid, but at the 1EdTech Consortium Learning Impact Conference in Toronto, there was a meeting of the minds.

Some great comments on the Learning Impact 2012 conference by Jeffrey Katzman, Founder and CLO at Xyleme, Inc. on the Dawn of Learning Blog.

Reaction to 1EdTech Learning Impact 2012 Conference

"The 1EdTech is at the cutting edge of web 2.0 open and flexible architectures. LTI (Learning Tool Interoperability) in particular has cracked the LMS open."

"LTI is a disruptor."

"This is an exciting development and one that can truly make an impact on the quality and flexibility to create individualized learning experiences."

"I would have never expected innovation to be led by our public K12 system. They say necessity is the mother of all invention and in this case, I believe its true."