
Measure What Matters Using CASE as Your Linchpin (Recorded Webinar)

Measure What Matters Using CASE as Your Linchpin Link to Play Recorded Webinar

The advent of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act makes tracking competencies and monitoring student progress towards identified goals more important than ever.
As school districts, state educational agencies, and the expanding marketplace of digital tools and resources grapple with the priorities set in ESSA, 1EdTech Consortium members have developed a pragmatic framework for publishing learning standards and competencies in a digital, machine-readable format that can be readily consumed by any product. This new technical standard is called Competencies and Academic Standards Exchange® (CASE®).
Listen to this webinar to hear from organizations that are adopting CASE and learn how to convert existing learning standards to the CASE format using open-source tools from practitioners who have already made the transition.
Featured Speakers: Donna Bahorich, Chair of the Texas State Board of Education; Adam Blum, CEO Open Ed an ACT Company, ACT; Anne Boothe, Houston Independent School District; Joshua Marks, Senior Advisor, Public Consulting Group; Monica Martinez, Director, Standards and Support Services, Texas Education Agency; Greg Nadeau, Manager, Public Consulting Group; Dr. Keith Osburn, Associate Superintendent for Georgia Virtual Learning, Georgia Department of Education; Brandt Redd, Chief Information Officer/CTO, Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
Moderator: Jill Hobson, K-12 program manager, 1EdTech Consortium
Event Date/Time: Monday, 18 June 2018
Duration (length of recorded session): 57 minutes


Measure What Matters Using CASE as Your Linchpin