
Educause Review Online - Progress Report on CBE Standards

Educause Review Online - Progress Report on CBE Standards

1EdTech, in collaboration with C-BEN, the Competency-Based Education Network is leading the development of prototype technical standards for CBE.  Working with the contributing members below and numerous institutional members, the CBE Standards team led by Dr. Jeff Grann of Capella University are developing prototype standards for common use cases to manages competencies and exchange data. 



Brightspace (D2L)




Learning Objects


Regent Education





In addition to working through thorny data exchange issues with CBE, the working group has undertaken an ambitious proof of concept for a digital Extended Transcript, following guidance from AACRAO and an assembled group of registrars and subject matter experts led by Joellen Shendy, Registrar of University of Maryland University College.  “eT”, as it is called, was developed by Learning Objects and Accreditrust for the project and implements a JSON-LD digital document designed by 1EdTech chief product architect, John Tibbetts.  Look for a demonstration of the Extended Transcript at Educause.

The collaboration with C-BEN is part of a Bill and Melinda Gates funded project called TIP – Technical Interoperability Pilot, an R&D project underway through 2015 with thirty-five C-BEN institutions that have, or are, implementing CBE programs.  The project’s goal is to speed the delivery of high quality, interoperable software for CBE to the market.  For an in-depth understanding of the C-BEN project, read this recent article in the Educause Review online:

It’s early days for the formation of interoperability standards for CBE but the group has made marked progress toward its goals and 1EdTech is committed to continued leadership in standards for CBE and digital credentials.