
1EdTech: Enabling innovative new products

One of the great things about the annual EDUCAUSE conference is hearing the many stories about how 1EdTech standards have enabled innovative new software applications to easily integrate into the educational enterprise. You might think that 1EdTech knows everything about every application of 1EdTech standards. I'd estimate that we typically know about 1/3 of what is actually occurring "out there" - just based on some off the cuff measurement by how often we are surprised or not surprised by something we hear about.  The very weird thing is that sometimes the things we don't hear about are really big adoptions of 1EdTech.

Anyway, please let us know what you are doing so we can help get the word out!

Ray Henderson has recently posted this blog: My Investment Thesis for IN THE TELLING about a start-up he has invested in called "In the Telling." As you can "tell" by the name the product has something to do with "stories."  The more mundane name for what is being offered here is "flipped classroom" - use the out of class time to watch the lectures, use the in the class time for more meaningful interaction.

Problem is that getting students to do anything out of class is a challenge these days. So, In the Telling provides a unique approach that helps the instructor create a story with narration. In essence they are creating a documentary of sorts that is more compelling than a simple lecture.

I have not seen any of the output of In the Telling yet - but the idea is very intriguing.  As someone who has bought more than my share of "great lectures" on various media in which I never made it past the first 30 minutes . . . well, I think better ways to teach is what we need to be investing in.

But, the crowning achievement with respect to 1EdTech comes in the following words from Ray's blog:

COMPATIBLE WITH ALL MODERN LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS: The Company designed their solution assuming that the launch point for most learner experiences would begin within an LMS. This is, after all, the way most assignments are made. The platform is built using the 1EdTech’s open standard for systems integration—Learning Tool Interoperability or “LTI”—which most modern LMS platforms now natively support. Students can initiate sessions with the platform just as they might with any other assignment, and the same basic usage statistics recorded by the LMS are preserved.

1EdTech is very proud to be a part of enabling the rapid rise of innovation in the edtech community!