
LTI Developers - Saying goodbye to third-party cookies in 2024

LTI Developers - Saying goodbye to third-party cookies in 2024

Once the LTI launch is done and the tool is loaded in an iFrame, some tools would set a cookie for session management. This already doesn't work in Safari, but it seems as though all browsers will soon block third-party cookies.

MDN has an article called "Saying goodbye to third-party cookies in 2024". Here is the link:

Google also has one called "Preparing for the end of third-party cookies". Here is the link:

During the LTI launch to avoid the cookie problems, LTI client side postMessages is the recommendation, but I'm not sure if that's a secure way to store session data.

Am I correct in thinking this might become a problem and if so, does anyone have any experience in solving this (for example if someone already has a solution for Safari that would work later on when the other browsers block third party cookies)?