
Resource With Multiple Scores and Custom Status Codes

Resource With Multiple Scores and Custom Status Codes

I have a tool that can produce multiple scores per resource. It also has the ability to report status codes/text from the tool launch that would be important to the platform admin (i.e. mic not connected). Ideally I would like this to work with a standard LMS platform such as Canvas, so that the multiple scores after resource launch would be available for viewing (i.e. in the gradebook) and various status codes/text be displayed to the admin. I'm hoping this is doable without custom coding on either the tool or platform side.

My question, how to best handle this with LTI Advantage?

I know with the Assigment and Grade Services we have the ablity to create multiple line items, but working with Canvas as the platform, I'm only seeing one score listed (The declarative-coupled line item). The line item I create programmatically (decoupled) is not being displayed. I'm guessing that is because it is decoupled? If so, is there a way to make it coupled?

And finally the status. I know that we have activity and grading progress with scoring, but how would we report to the platform issues outside of that (i.e. mic not connected)?

Re: Resource With Multiple Scores and Custom Status Codes

I have also noticed that line-items created in Canvas which are associated with a resource link are not visible within their course UI. They are returned by the LineItem service and accept scores etc. but just do not appear in the course gradebook within Canvas. Are there any expectations and/or certification requirements in relation to how line-items created by a tool should be made available within a platform?