
Competencies & Credentialing Webinar Series – Open Badges

ADL will be hosting its fourth Competency & Credentialing Community of Practice webinar on Wednesday, 15 December from 13:30-14:30 EDT. This webinar series offers high-level information about ADL projects and concepts related to competencies and credentialing, and it provides an opportunity for the wider community to get involved. This upcoming webinar will focus on Open Badges.
In October of this year, Mozilla and 1EdTech announced their plan for 1EdTech to assume the management of the Open Badges specification in 2017. Come see and hear 1EdTech members’ vision of competency-focused digital credentials and Open Badges, which they view as essential elements of the future of lifelong learning and employment markets. Learn what changes are in store for version 2.0 of the Open Badges Specification and how you can get involved.